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Recent Graphic Design Grad Hired at Unfold Agency

Born in Santa Rosa, California, Ojani Cabrera received a B.A. in Graphic Design earlier this year from FIDM Los Angeles. Thanks to the college's Career Network, he's already working as a Junior Graphic Designer at Unfold Agency, a digital creative agency that works with entertainment companies such as Netflix, Disney, Paramount, and Hulu, among others. 

What were some highlights of your time at FIDM? I loved my time at FIDM. One of my favorite memories was taking Jorg Wallrabe's classes. In Key Art: Home Entertainment, we had to come up with a video game design, plot of the game, and how we would market the video game.

In Activated Marketing, we had to make up a TV show, plot, poster design, and our final activated marketing. He worked in the industry and gave the best feedback and also had industry professionals from Warner Bros., Disney, and Studio 43 come in to see our work.

Did you work while you were a student? I was the Head Graphic Designer of a clothing company, in charge of the web, social media, photography, retouching, and marketing. I also do freelance photography, and worked with modeling agencies and YouTubers.

The Career Center helped you find this position at Unfold Agency. The FIDM Career Center helped me make sure my resume was the best it could be. They have so many job postings online and that is how I found my current job. It is such a great tool that FIDM Students should use when looking for jobs.

What are your day-to-day responsibilities in your new position? I'm a Junior Graphic Designer at Unfold. I currently work on key art advertising and banner ads. I work closely with Netflix, and multiple projects at once. I do title licensing for Netflix as well as title treatments on Netflix Originals. All the posters and art you see when you open on Netflix, that's what I do. I also do all the title treatments in different languages.

Anything cool you're working on now you're allowed to discuss? I just finished the title design for Living with Yourself. I'm currently working on a Netflix show that is scheduled to debut this month called Unbelievable.

How FIDM help you with career and life skills? FIDM helped me a lot with my portfolio. Professor Wallrabe pushed me to succeed and show my best work. I also learned how to be better at public speaking by having industry professionals come in. It helped me shine and to not be scared.

What are your ultimate career goals? My ultimate career goal is to be an Art Director for top entertainment companies. I also want to travel around the world for work in the future. I'm currently a brand ambassador for a traveling company. 

Follow Ojani Cabrera on Instagram @ojanicabrera.

Categories:  Graphic Design Alumni